Minimal + Luxurious Lifestyle Stock Images & Videos
Reverie is the perfect name for this dreamy stock photo collection, since it means to be "pleasantly lost in one's thoughts".
These stock photos are just that — a peek into a calming morning cozied up in bed, setting intentions for the week ahead, indulging in a luxuriously quiet moment in time to dream of everything that could be.
Add a scented candle (or four), a homemade latte, the sun streaming through the windows — and the Reverie collection is everything we wish mornings could be (but with kids at home, never is 🤣).
We have had many requests from Haute Stock members for more stock video content without models, so we've added FIVE new stock videos to the Reverie collection that focus on the lifestyle element of a few key props.
There are EIGHT stock videos total that help round-out a strong visual strategy when using the Reverie collection for your branding.
Fellow Haute Stock member, Tarla, customized one of the lingerie stock videos using Haute Stock’s Reels Sync Templates and shared that she has "gotten 3,400 views - [her] most on any Reel - in just a little over two weeks. And the views continue!"
So it just goes to show the power of video + Reels right now, which is why we're focused on creating this type of content for Haute Stock members!
Check out Tarla’s Reel and a Reel from Haute Stock’s Instagram using stock videos from the Reverie collection below!
think about setting your dream intentions with reverie
Click through gallery below:
Stylish & Chic Branding Stock Images
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